Net Promoter Score Programme

Net Promoter Score (NPS), once the vanguard for highly successful customer-centric companies has become mainstream with many companies embarking on NPS programmes of their own. Companies that successfully deploy NPS are setting the pace for their competitors. Companies such as Apple, American Express and Four Seasons, using NPS, have developed smart ways to operationalise customer feedback into their business. The prize for getting it right is great yet many companies simply do not implement NPS well.

Ennovate safeguard against the risks of badly executed NPS programme implementation by using skilled change managers that are Net Promoter Score Certified. Our practitioner’s use proven methodologies that deliver successful NPS programme implementations.

With our help, your NPS programme will have the right ingredients to make it a success, ensuring that it has appropriate governance structures, technical expertise, leadership commitment and a healthy dose of pragmatism. Below we outline a NPS implementation framework. Some of the typical pitfalls are a failure to develop a comprehensive road map, shortcomings in the survey design and inadequate attention to getting the organisation aligned behind the changes required. With our help you will;

  • Develop a Comprehensive Road Map: Draw up a road map that outlines the implementation strategy eg: what customer segments you want to go after, the goals of the programme, getting the buy in of senior management, getting operational functions and senior management fully aligned and informed that this is not just a piece of customer research, but is going to produce solid information that will drive actions.
  • Put in place a solid Survey Process: Build your survey design and ensure that you build robust practices around getting trustworthy data. A lot of companies fail at this stage; they don’t invest enough time or attention in getting the survey solidly linked to the economic value of the customer. This results in a loss of credibility resulting in senior management no longer willing to back the NPS programme as they can not see it adding value to the bottom line.
  • Drive Operational Change: Use the survey results to drive operational changes. You need to understand the reasons for your NPS score in order to drive action. For example you need to develop a strategy to neutralise detractors. Based on the feedback you are getting, you should perform a root cause analysis to get to what is really happening and why you have detractors, and then build recurrent practices into operational processes that will neutralise them. You also need to understand why your promoters are scoring you highly and generating customer wow experiences? What do your promoters really value so you can replicate it?

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